Pamphlet Architecture

September 4, 2022
October 16, 2022
'T' Space Rhinebeck, 125 1/2, Round Lake Rd, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
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As part of the Pamphlet Architecture 37 open call, ‘T’ Space will host an exhibition showcasing the work of the five finalists: Catty Dan Zhang, Mark Laverty, Alec McCulloch, Lawrence Blough, and Valeria Herrera. The exhibition will also offer an overview of the 40-year history of Pamphlet Architecture in honor of publisher Kevin Lippert.

The theme, “Visions and Experiments in Architecture,” invited participants to address the following: How to look into the future while preserving the landscape? How to imagine new light, air, and spatial energy? How to design new architecture for a new consciousness?

Pamphlet Architecture was founded in 1978 by architects Steven Holl and William Stout to promote the work of emerging architects, often working outside established boundaries of professional practice, exploring theoretical ideas, documenting building and urban and rural building types, and providing manifestos calling for the architectural world to think broader and design deeper. Many of today’s best-known architects were first published in the Pamphlet format, including Holl himself, Lebbeus Woods, Zaha Hadid, Lars Lerup, Mark Mack, Lebbeus Woods, Zaha Hadid, Livio Dimitriu, and Alberto Sartoris.

On View

Jun 2, 2024
Jul 28, 2024
Peter Halley In Collaboration With Steph Gonzalez-Turner
'T' Space | Steven Myron Holl Foundation




Nov 21, 2023
Aug 11, 2024
An Atlas of Es Devlin
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum




Apr 4, 2024
Aug 31, 2024
Robert Irwin
Judd Foundation




'T' Space | Steven Myron Holl Foundation